Thursday, October 19, 2006

Play Ball!! It's time for Game 7. I've had a lot of visitors the last two days, I think many have been from the Daily Kos -- I'd like to think they came to check out my blog comments and not the photo of me and my apron that I posted when I opened this blog. It's a short, but tedious story, but I mentioned the photo on the DK site. In either case, I guess I should be flattered. Besides, whatever it takes to get some hits should be OK (shameless self-promotion is a redundancy -- all self-promotion is shameless), as long as people stick around to read what I have to say. Even better, I hope they come back.

If the Mets win tonight, you can expect some posts that reflect being a nervous Mets' fan during the World Series. I'll also have some comments on the MLS playoffs. Most of my posts in the near future, however, will be about politics and the issues. There are less than three weeks to the election, an election that could mark the political revival of the Democratic Party. So, I urge my fellow progressives to come back -- check in every week, at least. I'll try to keep it thought-provoking, and interesting.

In the meantime, before I move on to interesting and weighty matters, I want to report a local minor celebrity sighting. Working out at the gym yesterday, I recognized this guy who came into the weights area, but couldn't place his face. Later, he asked me to spot him. We ended up working out and spotting each other, and I was sure I recognized his voice -- which wasn't so much a voice as it was a calling card. Then, he said it: "Shhweeeettt!" Yes, it was the Greaseman! Former morning drive champ here in D.C.!

Greaseman came on to the D.C. scene, in 1982, replacing Howard Stern at a D.C station, after Stern was let go. The Greaseman followed in Stern's tradition of letting his mouth get him in trouble. Greaseman twice lost his show for making some incredibly un-P.C. comments. Anyway, enough history. Water over the dam, right? Just noting that I am not ignorant of past incidents. The Greaseman looked good. Grease introduced me to his friend, colleague and sometime workout partner, Chad. Chad's an African-American. I guess that, notwithstanding his unfortunate, racially charged remarks on the radio, Greaseman is a little more broad-minded in his private life. There's a lot I could add, but I'll just say report that, these days, he is doing some independent movies and he has a morning drive show on a local AM station.

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